Step-by-Step Guide: How to Install Helm on Kubernetes Cluster

Install Helm on Kubernetes Cluster

In this tutorial, we will provide you with a step by step guide on how to install Helm on Kubernetes cluster. We are running a cluster created using kubeadm. So, what is helm? Helm is an opensource package manager for Kubernetes. Helm package manager provides a way to package Kubernetes applications, along with their dependencies, configurations and and deployment instructions, into a portable and reusable format called charts. This makes it easy for users to distribute, install and even upgrade various Kubernetes applications.

In this tutorial, you will go through a step-by-step process of installing Helm on a Kubernetes cluster

Step-by-Step Guide: Installing Helm on Kubernetes Cluster


Before you can proceed, you need to be having a Kubernetes cluster up and running. In our environment, we are using kubeadm Kubernetes cluster. Check the link below on how to setup Kubernetes cluster with kubeadm.

Setup Kubernetes Cluster on Ubuntu 22.04/20.04

Similarly, you can familiarize yourself with Kubernetes concepts, architecture e.t.c.

Kubernetes Architecture: A High-level Overview of Kubernetes Cluster Components

What are the core concepts in Kubernetes?

Installing Helm on Kubernetes Cluster

There are different methods in which Helm can be installed on a Kubernetes cluster. These include;

  • Install Helm using Binary Package
  • Install Helm using Installation Script
  • Install Helm from Helm Package Repository
  • Install from the Source code

We will cover the methods of installing Helm on Kubernetes cluster in this guide.

Install Helm using Binary Package

Helm provides ready helm binary packages for various Operating systems and CPU architectures. You can navigate to the Helm binary package releases page and grab a binary for the your respective OS over which K8s cluster is running.

For example, i am running a Kubernetes cluster on an Ubuntu system thus, I will simply download and install Helm on my Kubernetes cluster as follows;


Extract the binary archive, make it executable and copy it to PATH.

tar xzf helm-v3.12.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz --strip-component=1
sudo mv helm /usr/local/bin/

You should be able to use helm command from your terminal.

If you just type help with no arguments, it will print the help information.


The Kubernetes package manager

Common actions for Helm:

- helm search:    search for charts
- helm pull:      download a chart to your local directory to view
- helm install:   upload the chart to Kubernetes
- helm list:      list releases of charts

Environment variables:

| Name                               | Description                                                                                       |
| $HELM_CACHE_HOME                   | set an alternative location for storing cached files.                                             |
| $HELM_CONFIG_HOME                  | set an alternative location for storing Helm configuration.                                       |
| $HELM_DATA_HOME                    | set an alternative location for storing Helm data.                                                |
| $HELM_DEBUG                        | indicate whether or not Helm is running in Debug mode                                             |
| $HELM_DRIVER                       | set the backend storage driver. Values are: configmap, secret, memory, sql.                       |
| $HELM_DRIVER_SQL_CONNECTION_STRING | set the connection string the SQL storage driver should use.                                      |
| $HELM_MAX_HISTORY                  | set the maximum number of helm release history.                                                   |
| $HELM_NAMESPACE                    | set the namespace used for the helm operations.                                                   |
| $HELM_NO_PLUGINS                   | disable plugins. Set HELM_NO_PLUGINS=1 to disable plugins.                                        |
| $HELM_PLUGINS                      | set the path to the plugins directory                                                             |
| $HELM_REGISTRY_CONFIG              | set the path to the registry config file.                                                         |
| $HELM_REPOSITORY_CACHE             | set the path to the repository cache directory                                                    |
| $HELM_REPOSITORY_CONFIG            | set the path to the repositories file.                                                            |
| $KUBECONFIG                        | set an alternative Kubernetes configuration file (default "~/.kube/config")                       |
| $HELM_KUBEAPISERVER                | set the Kubernetes API Server Endpoint for authentication                                         |
| $HELM_KUBECAFILE                   | set the Kubernetes certificate authority file.                                                    |
| $HELM_KUBEASGROUPS                 | set the Groups to use for impersonation using a comma-separated list.                             |
| $HELM_KUBEASUSER                   | set the Username to impersonate for the operation.                                                |
| $HELM_KUBECONTEXT                  | set the name of the kubeconfig context.                                                           |
| $HELM_KUBETOKEN                    | set the Bearer KubeToken used for authentication.                                                 |
| $HELM_KUBEINSECURE_SKIP_TLS_VERIFY | indicate if the Kubernetes API server's certificate validation should be skipped (insecure)       |
| $HELM_KUBETLS_SERVER_NAME          | set the server name used to validate the Kubernetes API server certificate                        |
| $HELM_BURST_LIMIT                  | set the default burst limit in the case the server contains many CRDs (default 100, -1 to disable)|

Helm stores cache, configuration, and data based on the following configuration order:

- If a HELM_*_HOME environment variable is set, it will be used
- Otherwise, on systems supporting the XDG base directory specification, the XDG variables will be used
- When no other location is set a default location will be used based on the operating system

By default, the default directories depend on the Operating System. The defaults are listed below:

| Operating System | Cache Path                | Configuration Path             | Data Path               |
| Linux            | $HOME/.cache/helm         | $HOME/.config/helm             | $HOME/.local/share/helm |
| macOS            | $HOME/Library/Caches/helm | $HOME/Library/Preferences/helm | $HOME/Library/helm      |
| Windows          | %TEMP%\helm               | %APPDATA%\helm                 | %APPDATA%\helm          |

  helm [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  generate autocompletion scripts for the specified shell
  create      create a new chart with the given name
  dependency  manage a chart's dependencies
  env         helm client environment information
  get         download extended information of a named release
  help        Help about any command
  history     fetch release history
  install     install a chart
  lint        examine a chart for possible issues
  list        list releases
  package     package a chart directory into a chart archive
  plugin      install, list, or uninstall Helm plugins
  pull        download a chart from a repository and (optionally) unpack it in local directory
  push        push a chart to remote
  registry    login to or logout from a registry
  repo        add, list, remove, update, and index chart repositories
  rollback    roll back a release to a previous revision
  search      search for a keyword in charts
  show        show information of a chart
  status      display the status of the named release
  template    locally render templates
  test        run tests for a release
  uninstall   uninstall a release
  upgrade     upgrade a release
  verify      verify that a chart at the given path has been signed and is valid
  version     print the client version information

      --burst-limit int                 client-side default throttling limit (default 100)
      --debug                           enable verbose output
  -h, --help                            help for helm
      --kube-apiserver string           the address and the port for the Kubernetes API server
      --kube-as-group stringArray       group to impersonate for the operation, this flag can be repeated to specify multiple groups.
      --kube-as-user string             username to impersonate for the operation
      --kube-ca-file string             the certificate authority file for the Kubernetes API server connection
      --kube-context string             name of the kubeconfig context to use
      --kube-insecure-skip-tls-verify   if true, the Kubernetes API server's certificate will not be checked for validity. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure
      --kube-tls-server-name string     server name to use for Kubernetes API server certificate validation. If it is not provided, the hostname used to contact the server is used
      --kube-token string               bearer token used for authentication
      --kubeconfig string               path to the kubeconfig file
  -n, --namespace string                namespace scope for this request
      --registry-config string          path to the registry config file (default "/home/kifarunix/.config/helm/registry/config.json")
      --repository-cache string         path to the file containing cached repository indexes (default "/home/kifarunix/.cache/helm/repository")
      --repository-config string        path to the file containing repository names and URLs (default "/home/kifarunix/.config/helm/repositories.yaml")

Use "helm [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Install Helm on Kubernetes using Installation Script

Helm provides a script which you can just download and execute to install helm package on your Kubernetes cluster. It provides an automated version of the installation above.


The script simply downloads the respective OS helm binary and installs it on your system binary PATH.

You need to have curl or wget installed to use the script.

Once downloaded, execute it to install Helm command line tool;

sudo bash get-helm-3

Install Helm from Helm Package Repository

Helm also has created Helm package repository for APT/YUM/DNF and other OS package repos.

On Ubuntu/Debian, you can install Helm from Helm APT as follows;

sudo apt install apt-transport-https gnupg2 -y
curl | gpg --dearmor \
| sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/helm.gpg > /dev/null
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)] all main" | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/helm-stable-debian.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install helm

On Fedora 35+, helm is available on the default repos;

yum install helm

You can also install Helm on CentOS/Oracle/Rocky/RHEL systems fron SNAPD;

sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install snapd
sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.socket
sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap
sudo snap install helm --classic

Check the availability of the package on other OS package repositories!

Install from the Source code

If you want to test the latest pre-release versions of Helm, you can use this method;

Install make, go, git utilities as per your OS package management.


apt install make git


yum install make git

Check how to install go.

Then, download and compile Helm;

git clone
cd helm

Move the resulting Helm binary to binaries PATH;

cp bin/helm /usr/local/bin/

Install Helm Official Repositories

You have now successfully installed helm binary on your Kubernetes cluster. You should now be able to install any package/charts from the Helm repository, which can be installed as follows;

helm repo add bitnami

List helm repositories;

helm repo list
NAME   	URL                               

Update the helm repository;

helm repo update

Search for helm charts on Helm Artifact Hub.

helm search hub <keyword>


helm search hub  wordpress

You will see quite a number of results;

URL                                               	CHART VERSION	APP VERSION        	DESCRIPTION                              	0.1.0        	1.1                	this is my wordpress package             	16.1.6       	6.2.2              	WordPress is the world's most popular blogging ...	0.1.0        	1.16.0             	A Helm chart for Kubernetes              	15.2.13      	6.1.0              	WordPress is the world's most popular blogging ...	2.0.3        	6.2.1              	The WordPress rich content management system ca...	0.1.0        	1.16.0             	A Helm chart for WordPress               	0.8.4        	6.2.1-apache       	A Helm chart for WordPress on Kubernetes 	0.6.10       	4.8.1              	Web publishing platform for building blogs and ...	0.12.0       	1.16.0             	Wordpress helm chart                     	12.1.16      	5.8.1              	Web publishing platform for building blogs and ...	0.2.0        	                   	Simple WordPress                         	0.0.1        	latest             	open source software you can use to create a be...	0.1.0        	1.16.0             	A Helm chart for Kubernetes              	0.5.0        	5.9.3-php8.1-apache	Blog server                              	6.1.1-3.0rc5 	master             	Lightweight WordPress installation with additio...	1.0.0        	1.1                	This is a package for configuring wordpress and...	4.0.0-rc.1   	4.0                	Insecure & Outdated WordPress Instance: Never e...	1.0.0        	                   	This is the Helm Chart that creates the Wordpre...	0.12.1999    	v0.12.1999         	Veilis WordPress Operator Helm Chart     	0.12.2       	v0.12.2            	Bitpoke WordPress Operator Helm Chart    	0.12.3999    	v0.12.3999         	Helm chart for deploying a WordPress site on Ve...	0.12.4       	v0.12.4            	Helm chart for deploying a WordPress site on Bi...	0.1.0        	0.0.1-alpha        	Helm Chart for WordPress installation on MySQL ...	2.1.0-alpha4 	v2.1-alpha4        	Lightweight WordPress installation with additio...	0.0.4        	0.0.3      static wordpress  	2.1.12       	6.1.1              	Web publishing platform for building blogs and ...	0.1.2        	                   	                                         	5.0.0        	6.2.0              	Web publishing platform for building blogs and ...	0.1.0        	1.16.0             	A Helm chart for Kubernetes              	0.1.0        	1.1                	this is chart create the wordpress with suitabl...	0.0.1        	                   	Helm Chart for wordpress-gatsby          	1.8.12       	1.8.12             	The Bitpoke App for WordPress provides a versat...	1.0.0        	2                  	This is my custom chart to deploy wordpress and...	1.8.8999     	1.8.8999           	The Veilis App for WordPress provides a versati...	0.2.0        	1.1.0              	Wordpress for Kubernetes                 	0.2.0        	1.1.0              	Wordpress for Kubernetes                 	1.0.0        	2                  	This is my custom chart to deploy wordpress and...	0.12.4       	v0.12.4            	Your Open-Source, Cloud-Native WordPress Infras...	0.12.3999    	v0.12.3999         	Your Open-Source, Cloud-Native WordPress Infras...	4.0.0-rc.1   	v3.8.22            	A Helm chart for the WordPress security scanner...	1.1.0        	5.8.2              	Web publishing platform for building blogs and ...	1.0.0        	2                  	This is my custom chart to deploy wordpress and... 	0.2.0        	1.1.0              	Wordpress for Kubernetes                 	0.2.0        	1.1.0              	Wordpress for Kubernetes

To install a helm chart, use the command;

helm install [NAME] [CHART] [flags]

Get more info on;

helm install --help

That concludes our guide on how to installing Helm on Kubernetes cluster.

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Linux Certified Engineer, with a passion for open-source technology and a strong understanding of Linux systems. With experience in system administration, troubleshooting, and automation, I am skilled in maintaining and optimizing Linux infrastructure.

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