
mailwizz bounce server not work不工作解决办法


一、需要知道:当使用退回服务器处理退回邮件时,其状态会在 MailWizz Web 界面中从活动更改为“cron-running”。


php imap.php


Backend -> Miscellaneous -> Emergency Actions and reset your bounce servers status so that they become active again.

四、邮件数量多的话,看下内存是否满足要求:Backend -> Settings -> Cron

五、在处理退回邮件时,MailWizz 必须反复扫描邮箱,并查看邮箱中的所有邮件,以确保这些邮件是使用 MailWizz 发送活动而导致的退回邮件。这就是为什么将退回邮件箱仅用于处理来自 MailWizz 的退回邮件而非用于任何其他类型的通信非常重要的原因。这样,MailWizz 就不必查看与 MailWizz 发送的活动无关的数千封邮件,从而使退回处理变得非常高效。此外,在 MailWizz 中添加退回服务器时,您可以选择“Delete all messages”。我们建议您将其打开,这意味着即使退回邮件箱意外收到与 MailWizz 无关的邮件,当 MailWizz 处理这些邮件并发现它们不属于该邮箱时,它只会删除它们,从而在下次运行退回处理程序时更有效地处理退回邮件。

mailwizz bounce server not work不工作解决办法

六、这些服务(Amazon SES、Mandrill、Mailgun、Leadersend、ElasticEmail、Sendgrid )建议用api代替smtp:

mailwizz bounce server not work不工作解决办法

原因是,它们发送速度略快,并且您根本不需要bounce server,因为 MailWizz 将订阅某些 webhook,并会在电子邮件退回、将您标记为垃圾邮件等时收到通知,所以您不需要内存密集型的 cron 作业来处理退回。这个需要看英文解释:

Please note that MailWizz will connect to the given email provider and will create a webhook where the email provider will send data. The webhook is a url back to your MailWizz application, something like
where X is the ID of your delivery server. This means that you don’t have to block incoming requests to these urls.

Each of these providers have their own area where they shown you which webhooks have been created and what events they will receive. Always make sure you check these areas to be sure the webhooks are created and the right events will be sent and of course see the history of the events they have sent in order to see if they actually have sent any info to your webhook url or not.

七、如果利用google 的smtp server 群发邮件(操作者使用Mailwizz,设置了bounce server),Gmail大概率会忽略发件服务器(非google)指定的Return-path,而强制gmail为Return-path,所以发件服务器(非google)设置的bounce server就不起作用。
