
iRedMail邮件服务器端口一览表(Which network ports are open by iRedMail)


终端用户连上来收邮件 POP3 service: port 110 over STARTTLS, or port 995 with SSL.
邮件客户端上来收邮件 IMAP service: port 143 over STARTTLS, or port 993 with SSL.
连上来发邮件 SMTP service: port 587 over STARTTLS, or port 465 with SSL.

Which network ports are open by iRedMail

PortServiceSoftwareCommentAllow Public Access?
25smtpPostfixUsed for communication betweem mail servers. WARNING: This port MUST be open, otherwise you cannot receive email sent by other mail servers.(邮件服务器之间沟通使用,必须开通,否则收不到邮件)YES (REQUIRED)
587submissionPostfixSMTP over TLS. Used by end users to send/submit email.(终端用户连上来发邮件)YES (open to your end users)
110pop3DovecotUsed by end users to retrieve emails via POP3 protocol, secure connection over STARTTLS is enforced by default.(终端用户连上来收邮件)YES (open to your end users)
995pop3sDovecotUsed by end users to retrieve emails via POP3 protocol over SSL.(终端用户连上来收邮件+ssl)YES (open to your end users)
143imapDovecotUsed by end users to retrieve emails via IMAP protocol, secure connection over STARTTLS is enforced by default.(终端用IMAP协议,连上来收邮件)YES (open to your end users)
993imapsDovecotUsed by end users to retrieve emails via IMAP protocol over SSL.YES (open to your end users)
24lmtpDovecotUsed to deliver email to local mailboxes via LMTP protocol.NO (listen on by default)
4190managesieveDovecotSieve service used by end users to manage mail filters. Note: in old iRedMail releases, it’s port 2000 (deprecated and not even listed in /etc/services file).NO (disabled by default and users are forced to manage mail filters with webmail)
80httpApache/NginxWeb service. Redirect to https by default.YES (open to your webmail users)
443httpsApache/NginxWeb service over over SSL, secure connection.YES (open to your webmail and ActiveSync users)
3306mysqlMySQL/MariaDBMySQL/MariaDB database serviceNO (listen on by default)
5432postgresqlPostgreSQLPostgreSQL database serviceNO (listen on by default)
389ldapOpenLDAP (or OpenBSD ldapd)LDAP service, STARTTLS is available for secure connection.NO (listen on by default)
636ldapsOpenLDAP (or OpenBSD ldapd)LDAP service over SSL. Deprecated, port 389 with STARTTLS is recommended.NO (Not enabled by default)
10024Amavisd-newUsed to scan inbound messages, includes spam/virus scanning, DKIM verification, applying spam policy.NO (listen on by default)
10025smtpPostfixUsed by Amavisd to inject scanned emails back to Postfix queue.NO (listen on by default)
10026Amavisd-newUsed to scan outbound messages, includes spam/virus scanning, DKIM signing, applying spam policy.NO (listen on by default)
10027Amavisd-newUsed by mlmmj mailing list manager, it bypasses spam/virus/header/banned checks by default, but have DKIM signing enabled.NO (listen on by default)
10028PostfixUsed by Amavisd-new to handle email message sent by mlmmj mailing list manager. Introduced in iRedMail-0.9.9.NO (listen on by default)
9998Amavisd-newUsed to manage quarantined emails.NO (listen on by default)
7777iRedAPDPostfix policy service for greylisting, whitelisting, blacklists, throttling, etcNO (listen on by default)
7778iRedAPDSRS sender address rewritting.NO (listen on by default)
7779iRedAPDSRS recipient address rewritting.NO (listen on by default)
7790httpmlmmjadminRESTful API server used to manage mlmmj mailing lists. Introduced in iRedMail-0.9.8.NO (listen on by default)
7791httpiredadminiRedAdmin (standalone uwsgi instance). Introduced in iRedMail-0.9.9.NO (listen on by default)
20000SOGoSOGo groupwareNO (listen on by default)
11211MemcachedA distributed, high performance memory object caching system. Currently used by only SOGo Groupware.NO (listen on by default)
12340DovecotDovecot quota status. Introduced in iRedMail-1.0.NO (listen on by default)
24242DovecotDovecot service status. Introduced in iRedMail-0.9.8.NO (listen on by default)
19999NetdataNetdata monitor. Introduced in iRedMail-0.9.8.NO (listen on by default)