
November 08, 2022(updated on April 19, 2024)

About me

I met computers at the end of the 1980s. I studied computer and electronics engineering (bsc, msc) at the end of the 1990s and early 2000s. I am curious about many things, and this blog is like my study journal.

I have a few projects on GitHub.

You might have reached this page from Speedtest as I provide a public Speedtest server. This (virtual) server operates on a 10G WAN link and is located in Zug, Switzerland. From a 50Gbps network capable virtual machine (n2d-standard-48 TIER_1/high-bandwidth networking) in nearest Google Cloud zone (europe-west6, Zurich), Speedtest CLI reports >9 Gbps download and ~4 Gbps upload with 3ms latency. For the reference, from the same virtual machine, Speedtest CLI reports >44 Gbps download and >15 Gbps upload with 1ms latency to my ISP (Init7).

About the content on this site

None of the posts are sponsored, and I am not affiliated with any of the companies or manufacturers of the products mentioned; otherwise, it will be explicitly stated in the post.

About this site

This site is pre-generated using Hugo. I am editing it with vim on Ubuntu Linux.

The font used on this site is Berkeley Mono.

I do like writing Math notation in the post when needed, and this site uses MathJax for this purpose.

I keep the site under Git version control (master@075ca0) in a private GitHub repo. I also rsync my working copy to a Dropbox folder as a backup.

I am using Netlify and Cloudflare to host the website. Each push on the GitHub repo is deployed automatically (last deploy: 11 Oct 2024 05:56 UTC) to Netlify. The site is served by Cloudflare to the public as it caches the content from Netlify. I use the apex domain (metebalci.com), and www subdomain redirects to apex.

I use Cloudflare as my domain registrar and for DNS.

This site can only be accessed by HTTPS and HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is also enabled.

DNSSEC is also enabled for this zone (metebalci.com).

Google Analytics is used in this site because the server side access logs do not give enough information.


If you need to reach me, please send an email to: info at metebalci dot com