Install BackupPC

Install BackupPC on Ubuntu 22.04

In this guide, we will learn how to install BackupPC on Ubuntu 22.04. BackupPC is a free, high-performance enterprise-grade backup software suite with a web-based frontend that

install dokuwiki on Ubuntu

Install DokuWiki on Ubuntu 22.04

In this demo, we are going to learn how to install DokuWiki on Ubuntu 22.04. DokuWiki is an opensource software written in PHP that allows users to

php debian 11

Install PHP 7.1/7.2/7.3/7.4 on Ubuntu 22.04

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install PHP 7.1/7.2/7.3/7.4 on Ubuntu 22.04. PHP is a fast, flexible, pragmatic, popular general-purpose scripting language that is