ssh -i /Users/moneyslow/key/id_rsa.upload.pri upload@
/usr/sbin/sshd -ddd -D -p 2222
ssh -vvv -p 22222 -i /Users/moneyslow/key/id_rsa.upload.pri upload@

mm_answer_keyallowed: publickey authentication: RSA key is not allowed
很显然,服务器或者是客户端有一个不支持RSA key这种密钥方式
RSA −This is one of the most common types of SSH keys.
It uses asymmetric encryption methodology which means that it allows both encryption and decryption using separate but mathematically related keys. RSA supports various lengths including 2048-bit or 3072-bit.
DSA −Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) is another type of asymmetric cryptography that can be used for SSH key generation. It is faster than RSA but less secure as well.
DSA keys are usually shorter and less secure than RSA keys and they are widely used for digital signatures in the US legal system.
ECDSA −Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) is a newer type of asymmetric cryptography that is faster and more secure than both RSA and DSA keys.
ssh-keygen -t ecdsa
重新走一遍ssh key的配置流程,基本解决问题。