1、git clone https://github.com/soimort/translate-shell && cd translate-shell
sudo make install
2、apt-get install translate-shell
1、查看支持语言类型:trans -T

#trans :en 你好
(Nǐ hǎo)
Definitions of 你好
[ 简体中文 -> English ]
你好!, 喂!
嗨!, 你好!
Hello, Hi, Hello there
trans :en file:///home/sapoclay/gtrans.txt
trans -shell en:es thanks
Usage: trans [OPTIONS] [SOURCES]:[TARGETS] [TEXT]...
Information options:
-V, -version
Print version and exit.
-H, -help
Print help message and exit.
-M, -man
Show man page and exit.
-T, -reference
Print reference table of languages (in endonyms) and codes, and exit.
-R, -reference-english
Print reference table of languages (in English names) and codes, and exit.
-S, -list-engines
List available translation engines and exit.
List all languages (in endonyms) and exit.
List all languages (in English names) and exit.
List all codes and exit.
List all languages (endonyms and English names) and codes, and exit.
-L CODES, -linguist CODES
Print details of languages and exit.
-U, -upgrade
Check for upgrade of this program.
Translator options:
-e ENGINE, -engine ENGINE
Specify the translation engine to use.
Display options:
Verbose mode. (default)
-b, -brief
Brief mode.
-d, -dictionary
Dictionary mode.
Language identification.
-show-original Y/n
Show original text or not.
-show-original-phonetics Y/n
Show phonetic notation of original text or not.
-show-translation Y/n
Show translation or not.
-show-translation-phonetics Y/n
Show phonetic notation of translation or not.
-show-prompt-message Y/n
Show prompt message or not.
-show-languages Y/n
Show source and target languages or not.
-show-original-dictionary y/N
Show dictionary entry of original text or not.
-show-dictionary Y/n
Show dictionary entry of translation or not.
-show-alternatives Y/n
Show alternative translations or not.
-w NUM, -width NUM
Specify the screen width for padding.
-indent NUM
Specify the size of indent (number of spaces).
Specify the theme to use.
Do not use any other theme than default.
Do not use ANSI escape codes.
Do not autocorrect. (if defaulted by the translation engine)
Do not convert bidirectional texts.
Always convert bidirectional texts.
Do not write warning messages to stderr.
Print raw API response instead.
Audio options:
-p, -play
Listen to the translation.
Listen to the original text.
-n VOICE, -narrator VOICE
Specify the narrator, and listen to the translation.
-player PROGRAM
Specify the audio player to use, and listen to the translation.
Do not listen to the translation.
Do not translate anything when using -speak.
Download the audio to the current directory.
-download-audio-as FILENAME
Download the audio to the specified file.
Terminal paging and browsing options:
-v, -view
View the translation in a terminal pager.
-pager PROGRAM
Specify the terminal pager to use, and view the translation.
-no-view, -no-pager
Do not view the translation in a terminal pager.
-browser PROGRAM
Specify the web browser to use.
Do not open the web browser.
Networking options:
Use HTTP proxy on given port.
-u STRING, -user-agent STRING
Specify the User-Agent to identify as.
-4, -ipv4, -inet4-only
Connect only to IPv4 addresses.
-6, -ipv6, -inet6-only
Connect only to IPv6 addresses.
Interactive shell options:
-I, -interactive, -shell
Start an interactive shell.
-E, -emacs
Start the GNU Emacs front-end for an interactive shell.
Do not invoke rlwrap when starting an interactive shell.
I/O options:
Specify the input file.
Specify the output file.
Language preference options:
-hl CODE, -host CODE
Specify the host (interface) language.
-s CODES, -sl CODES, -source CODES, -from CODES
Specify the source language(s), joined by '+'.
-t CODES, -tl CODES, -target CODES, -to CODES
Specify the target language(s), joined by '+'.
Text preprocessing options:
-j, -join-sentence
Treat all arguments as one single sentence.
Other options:
Do not load any initialization script.
See the man page trans(1) for more information.