

结论:if the emails hard bounced, then mailwizz will automatically blacklist them. If they soft bounced, they will be marked as hard bounced after a certain number of soft bounce reports, by default being 5 and can be configured from backend > settings > cron.

在经过一段时间的邮件发送后,你可以查看 “List subscribers” ,会发现status为Blacklisted的邮件,就是被标记为硬回弹的,下次不会再发送。





Fatal error
- a fatal error means a SMTP error that has a return code higher or equal to 450.
- this happens when for example the account we try to send the email does not exist on the target server, or it has been closed.
- please note there are cases when the smtp server will directly return a fatal error if your server is blacklisted there so you might want to set a higher number here to avoid this.
- 致命错误是指返回码高于或等于 450 的 SMTP 错误。
- 例如,当我们尝试发送电子邮件的帐户在目标服务器上不存在或已关闭时,就会发生这种情况。
- 请注意,如果您的服务器被列入黑名单,smtp 服务器有时会直接返回致命错误,因此您可能需要在此处设置更高的数字以避免这种情况。
Soft error
- a soft error means a SMTP error that has a return code lower than 450 but higher than 2xx(which is a success code).
- this might happen if the subscriber account is temporarly disabled, or the receiving server is too busy, etc. Usually you'll want this option set to a high number.
- 软错误是指返回代码低于 450 但高于 2xx(成功代码)的 SMTP 错误。
- 如果订阅者帐户被暂时禁用,或者接收服务器太忙等,则可能会发生这种情况。通常您会希望将此选项设置为较高的数字。
Hard bounce
- after the email has been delivered, there are chances the target server will bounce it back for several reasons.
- a hard bounce means the email does not exist anymore on the target server, or it has been blacklisted, disabled, etc.
- you should keep this option set to a lower number.
- 电子邮件送达后,目标服务器有可能因多种原因将其退回。
- 硬退回意味着电子邮件在目标服务器上不再存在,或者已被列入黑名单、禁用等。
- 您应该将此选项设置为较低的数字。
Soft bounce
Unlike hard bounces, soft bounces can happen for reasons like server/account temporarily unavailable, not enough disk space to store the email on the server, or even the response of an autoresponder.
- you should keep this option set to a high number.
- 您应该将此选项设置为较高的数字。
Internal bounce
Internal bounces generally happen only because of your sending infrastructure and they should be safe to retry sending to.
- you should keep this option set to a high number.
- 您应该将此选项设置为较高的数字。