安装Install n8n - Open Source Workflow Automation - on Windows
What is n8n?
n8n is an extendable workflow automation tool. With a fair-code distribution model, n8n will always have visible source code, be available to self-host, and allow you to add your own custom functions, logic and apps. n8n's node-based approach makes it highly versatile, enabling you to connect anything to everything. -https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n
Installing n8n
By default, the n8n database and configuration file live in the user's profile .n8n folder (ie C:\Users\i12bretro\.n8n). To utilize a database other than SQLite, setup the database and authentication, then create a .bat file like the example below and call the .bat file as the action of the scheduled task.
SET DB_TYPE=mysqldb SET DB_MYSQLDB_DATABASE=n8n SET DB_MYSQLDB_HOST=localhost SET DB_MYSQLDB_USER=n8n_rw SET DB_MYSQLDB_PASSWORD=n8n_N8N! SET GENERIC_TIMEZONE=America/New_York "%programfiles%\nodejs\npx.cmd" n8n