home January 01, 2017

rTorrent research

security modifications and other hacks for usability

rTorrent is a bittorrent program allowing one to share files with many people in order to better distribute band with among many peers. This model is very successful and a very easy way to get open source OS distributions and other data to many people while relieving the bandwidth load from the original source.

The problem with bittorrent programs are not the client or the server, but the implementation of trust between the server and client. In practice it is never safe to trust the client especially when you are limiting access of the client depending on the client's response.

For example, there are tracker sites limiting clients depending on client name or version number. These sites also try limiting clients by their upload and download rates also called the client ratio. All of these values are easily modified on the client side to tell the server what ever one wanted the server to know. We can tell the server we are one client when we are actually another and we can easily adjust our ratios by telling the server we transferred 25x more than we really did thus inflate the client ratio. The server is trusting our client so we are now in control.

While researching torrent software it is painfully clear the original designer never envisioned the protocol to be used anywhere except a completely trusted network. These mods are _not_ only applicable to rTorrent, but to all bittorrent clients if you have the source code. The following examples are some simple exercises proving a bittorrent client's ability.

Aria2 is now our preferred bit torrent client instead of rTorrent due to rTorrent's slow future development, many open bugs and incompatibility with FreeBSD's clang compiler. We have an aria2 tutorial if you wish to switch to aria2.

Building rTorrent from source allows for customization

If you are interested in researching these mods yourself this is how we are going to build the libtorrent and rTorrent binaries from source. Even though we may be using a different version of rTorrent than you have you should be able to figure out the same mods for any newer distributions. You can also download any version of rTorrent from the rTorrent downloads repository. The version(s) of libtorrent and rTorrent used on this page are clearly labeled in each following example. Make sure to use the proper complimenting versions on rtorrent and libtorrent.

libtorrent build: ./configure && make && make install

rtorrent build: ./configure && make && make install

NOTE: Tips on installing rTorrent for OpenBSD with support for
      DHT and Encryption can be found further down on this page.

Let's take a look at some of the mods and hacks we can use.

Change the upload ratio reported to tracker servers.

One of the ways to limit a client's access to servers is to initiate a upload to download ratio. The idea is a client will not be able to take if they do not give. This works by our client sending the server the amount of data it uploaded to other clients. This upload value is not verified by any other client and is not validated by an other means. This is _not_ a secure or trusted way to limit client access and is easy to change if one wished. In this example we will be reporting our upload ratio times a factor of 25.

If the actual amount of data uploaded from our client to other clients is 100MB and the amount of data we downloaded is 500MB then our ratio would be (100MB/500MB) = 0.2 or 20%. In this exercise we will instead be reporting to the server that we uploaded (100MB * 25) = 2500MB and downloaded 500MB. The server then records our ratio as (2500MB/500MB) = 5 or 500% which is 25 times the true upload ratio. With this technique you would never need to worry about ratios ever again. Also, this mod will not change the values you see in the local client, only what our client reports to the tracker.

# Report our upload ratio 25 times higher than true

edit file:  vi libtorrent-0.12.5/src/tracker/tracker_http.cc
 old line #:130  s << "&uploaded=" << info->uploaded_adjusted()
 new line #:130  s << "&uploaded=" << 25*info->uploaded_adjusted()


edit file:  vi libtorrent-0.12.3/src/tracker/tracker_http.cc
 old line #:130  s << "&uploaded=" << info->uploaded_adjusted()
 new line #:130  s << "&uploaded=" << 25*info->uploaded_adjusted()


edit file:  vi libtorrent-0.11.9/src/tracker/tracker_http.cc
 old line #:126 s << "&uploaded=" << up
 new line #:126 s << "&uploaded=" << (up*25)

Note: Some trackers look at the upload to download ratio to try to find out if someone is ratio hacking. In the example we used the multiplier of 25, but you can use any equation you can come up with. Perhaps you want to use the amount you downloaded plus the uploaded amount (down+up). Something like "(down+up) would make the upload value increase as you downloaded more data. How about "(up*1.234+up*1.1)". Also, the value "left" is used to report to the tracker on how much of the torrent is still left to download. This can also be used in your equation. Note that the using the divisor symbol "\" might not work, stick with addition "+", subtraction "-" and multiplication "*" only. Use your imagination.

Change our client's reported identity.

The remote clients and servers all ask our client what its the peer name, also called the peer_id or identity is. Some servers actually limit the clients that can connect by looking at this string. It is not a recommended practice to limit client access by asking the client for information.

You can set your rTorrent client to send any string you want to make it look like another client. You can choose one of the client ID's below or just make something up. As long as the string is in the correct format it does not matter; for example -UU1234- for Unknown v1.2.3.4. Here are a few examples of valid peer_id strings:

peer_id (PEER_NAME)    User-Agent String:       USER_AGENT:

  -AZ3022-             Azureus          Azureus/3022
  -BC0091-             BitComet         BitComet/0091
  -BF1355-             BitFlu           BitFlu/1355
  -UT1610-             uTorrent         uTorrent/1610
  -UU1234-             Unknown          Unknown/1234

The peer_id is exactly 20 bytes (characters) long. There are mainly two conventions how to encode client and client version information into the peer_id, Azureus-style and Shadow's-style. rTorrent uses the Azureus-style client peer_id string format. Clients like BitLord use Shadow's-style.

Azureus-style uses the following encoding: '-', two characters for client id, four ascii digits for version number, '-', followed by random numbers. For example: '-AZ2060-'. The known clients that uses this encoding style are:

Clients using Azureus-style format:

 'AG' - Ares
 'A~' - Ares
 'AR' - Arctic
 'AV' - Avicora
 'AX' - BitPump
 'AZ' - Azureus
 'BB' - BitBuddy
 'BC' - BitComet
 'BF' - Bitflu
 'BG' - BTG (uses Rasterbar libtorrent)
 'BR' - BitRocket
 'BS' - BTSlave
 'BX' - ~Bittorrent X
 'CD' - Enhanced CTorrent
 'CT' - CTorrent
 'DE' - DelugeTorrent
 'DP' - Propagate Data Client
 'EB' - EBit
 'ES' - electric sheep
 'FT' - FoxTorrent
 'GS' - GSTorrent
 'HL' - Halite
 'HN' - Hydranode
 'KT' - KTorrent
 'LH' - LH-ABC
 'LP' - Lphant
 'LT' - libtorrent
 'lt' - libTorrent (rtorrent)
 'LW' - LimeWire
 'MO' - MonoTorrent
 'MP' - MooPolice
 'MR' - Miro
 'MT' - MoonlightTorrent
 'PD' - Pando
 'qB' - qBittorrent
 'QD' - QQDownload
 'QT' - Qt 4 Torrent example
 'RT' - Retriever
 'S~' - Shareaza alpha/beta
 'SB' - ~Swiftbit
 'SS' - SwarmScope
 'ST' - SymTorrent
 'st' - sharktorrent
 'SZ' - Shareaza
 'TN' - TorrentDotNET
 'TR' - Transmission
 'TS' - Torrentstorm
 'TT' - TuoTu
 'UL' - uLeecher!
 'UT' - µTorrent
 'WT' - BitLet
 'WY' - FireTorrent
 'XL' - Xunlei
 'XT' - XanTorrent
 'XX' - Xtorrent
 'ZT' - ZipTorrent 

If you would like to see more example peer_id 's and an explanation of what each client considers a valid id then check out the BitTorrent Specifications.

In this exercise we will change the client id, known as the peer_name and also the user-agent our client sends to the outside world. In this way one can tailor the name to any client id the tracker server will accept.

Change the client's name also known as the peer_id (peer_name). The peer_name is how out client identifies itself to other clients.

# Report our client's identity as DelugeTorrent v1.2.3.4

edit file:  vi libtorrent-0.12.5/configure
 old line #:2092 #define PEER_NAME "-lt0C30-"
 new line #:2092 #define PEER_NAME "-DE1234-"

 old line #:2097 #define PEER_VERSION "lt\xOC\x30"
 new line #:2097 #define PEER_VERSION "DE\x12\x34"


edit file:  vi libtorrent-0.12.3/configure
 old line #:2095 #define PEER_NAME "-lt0C30-"
 new line #:2095 #define PEER_NAME "-DE1234-"

 old line #:2100 #define PEER_VERSION "lt\xOC\x30"
 new line #:2100 #define PEER_VERSION "DE\x12\x34"


edit file:  vi libtorrent-0.11.9/configure
 old line #:1956 #define PEER_NAME "-lt0B01-"
 new line #:1956 #define PEER_NAME "-DE1234-"

Change the User-Agent string. The user-agent (USER_AGENT) is the HTTP string sent to the tracker saying what kind of client we are using. This string id how our client identifies itself to the tracker.

# Report our User-Agent as uTorrent in HTTP get call

edit file :  vi rtorrent-0.8.5/configure
 old line #:18006 #define USER_AGENT std::string(PACKAGE "/" VERSION "/") + torrent::version()
 new line #:18006 #define USER_AGENT "DelugeTorrent/1234"


edit file :  vi rtorrent-0.8.3/configure
 old line #:22706 #define USER_AGENT std::string(PACKAGE "/" VERSION "/") + torrent::version()
 new line #:22706 #define USER_AGENT "DelugeTorrent/1234"


edit file :  vi rtorrent-0.7.9/configure
 old line #:22596 #define USER_AGENT std::string(PACKAGE "/" VERSION "/") + torrent::version()
 new line #:22596 #define USER_AGENT "DelugeTorrent/1234"

Changing the amount of hosts to upload to.

The rTorrent client is limited in how many remote clients you can upload to. If you have 50KB/sec of upload bandwidth rTorrent is throttled to then you will be limited by the author's equation "(10 + throttle / 5)" or (10+50)/5 = 12 clients. This is approximately 4.12 KB/sec for each client.

BTW, we recommend reserving at least 5 KB/sec upload bandwidth per upload slot. We would set the line to read, "maxUnchoked = throttle / 5;" for example.

For the sake of this example, lets say you want to increase the number of clients you can upload to. This way you can share with as many people as possible. We will change the amount of upload slots to 50 clients each getting 2KB/sec. The value you specify for "upload_rate" in the .rtorrent.rc file will be double the amount of clients you can actively upload to. So, an "upload_rate=50" allows 25 uploads slots and an "upload_rate=100" equals 50 upload slots. It is not recommended to upload any less then 2KB/sec as the returns by the remote client diminish the slower you upload. In fact the remote client might just ban you for being too slow.

Lastly, for every upload slot you allow you need a chunk's worth of ram in the system to cache the chunks. If the current torrent your are uploading has a chunk size of 4 megabytes then you would need (4MB*50slots)=200 megabytes of RAM for rTorrent to use. Chunk sizes per torrent range from 256KB to around 8 megabytes.

# how many uploads to allow. Target is 2KB/s per upload slot.

edit file:  vi rtorrent-0.8.5/src/ui/root.cc
 old line #:184  maxUnchoked = 10 + throttle / 5;
 new line #:184  maxUnchoked = throttle / 2;
 old line #:214  maxUnchoked = 10 + throttle / 5;
 new line #:214  maxUnchoked = throttle / 2;


edit file:  vi rtorrent-0.8.3/src/ui/root.cc
 old line #:233  maxUnchoked = 10 + throttle / 5;
 new line #:233  maxUnchoked = throttle / 2;


edit file:  vi rtorrent-0.7.9/src/ui/root.cc
 old line #:232  maxUnchoked = 10 + throttle / 5;
 new line #:232  maxUnchoked = throttle / 2;

Want more speed? Make sure to also check out the Network Speed and Performance Guide. With a little time and understanding you could easily double your firewall's throughput.

Disconnect idle clients quickly.

Many remote clients connecting to your client will stay connected and not transfer anything. This is not a bug, but a feature of the bittorrent protocol.

In theory a client can connect and stay connected until either you have a set of data they need or they have a slot open to give data to you. Though this is a more efficient method of waiting for new data to become available it is not really necessary. Most remote clients today are very aggressive and will reconnect if your drop them. The reason for a short timeout is to clear out the connection queue to your client opening space for clients who may transfer data now and freeing up system memory.

If the remote system is not doing anything then drop them. Lets say our general rule is a client will be disconnected after 40 seconds of inactivity.

# How long to wait till we disconnect a client. Target is 40 secs idle.

edit file:  vi libtorrent-0.12.5/src/protocol/peer_connection_leech.cc
 old line #:115  if (cachedTime - m_timeLastRead > rak::timer::from_seconds(240))
 new line #:115  if (cachedTime - m_timeLastRead > rak::timer::from_seconds(40))


edit file:  vi libtorrent-0.12.3/src/protocol/peer_connection_leech.cc
 old line #:114  if (cachedTime - m_timeLastRead > rak::timer::from_seconds(240))
 new line #:114  if (cachedTime - m_timeLastRead > rak::timer::from_seconds(40))


edit file:  vi libtorrent-0.11.9/src/protocol/peer_connection_leech.cc
 old line #:93  if (cachedTime - m_timeLastRead > rak::timer::from_seconds(240))
 new line #:93  if (cachedTime - m_timeLastRead > rak::timer::from_seconds(40))

Now you are dropping clients quickly on the back end of rTorrent so lets make sure the ncurses GUI updates a bit quicker so we can monitor the changes. In rTorrent a "tick" is 30 seconds. By default the GUI updates every 4 ticks or 2 minutes so we will change that to 1 tick or every 30 seconds.

# How long to wait to clear dead connections from the ncurses GUI

edit file:  vi libtorrent-0.12.5/src/download/download_wrapper.cc
 old line #:272  if (ticks % 4 == 0) {
 new line #:272  if (ticks % 1 == 0) {


edit file:  vi libtorrent-0.12.3/src/download/download_wrapper.cc
 old line #:272  if (ticks % 4 == 0) {
 new line #:272  if (ticks % 1 == 0) {


edit file:  vi libtorrent-0.11.9/src/download/download_wrapper.cc
 old line #:295  if (ticks % 4 == 0) {
 new line #:295  if (ticks % 1 == 0) {

Decrease the time delay when your client connects to the trackers

rTorrent will normally limit the time between connections to the tracker to 1800 seconds or 30 minutes. You may think this is too long and may want to change it to 600 seconds or 10 minutes. This way your client will go out every 600 seconds and get more client ips from the tracker to connect with. It is not recommended to set this value under 120 seconds as the tracker will probably consider it abusive. On a related note, make sure your client takes advantage of the distributed hash table (DHT) support which would allow you to be a backup tracker when all other trackers are down or can not deliver enough peers, as well as enabling tracker-less torrents.

# Decrease the polling time to connect to trackers

edit file:  vi libtorrent-0.12.5/src/torrent/tracker.cc
 old line #:49  m_normalInterval(1800),
 new line #:49  m_normalInterval(600),

edit file:  vi libtorrent-0.12.5/src/torrent/tracker.h
 old line #:100 void set_normal_interval(int v) { if (v >= 60 && v <= 3600) m_normalInterval = v;}
 new line #:100 void set_normal_interval(int v) { if (v >= 60 && v <= 600) m_normalInterval = v;}


edit file:  vi libtorrent-0.12.3/src/torrent/tracker.cc
 old line #:49  m_normalInterval(1800),
 new line #:49  m_normalInterval(600),

edit file:  vi libtorrent-0.12.3/src/torrent/tracker.h
 old line #:99  void set_normal_interval(int v) { if (v >= 60 && v <= 3600) m_normalInterval = v;}
 new line #:99  void set_normal_interval(int v) { if (v >= 60 && v <= 600) m_normalInterval = v;}


edit file:  vi libtorrent-0.11.9/src/tracker/tracker_base.h
 old line #:66  m_normalInterval(1800),
 new line #:66  m_normalInterval(600),

 old line #:102  void set_normal_interval(int v) { if (v >= 60 && v <= 3600) m_normalInterval = v;}
 new line #:102  void set_normal_interval(int v) { if (v >= 60 && v <= 600) m_normalInterval = v;}

Increase the rate at which pieces are requested from other peers

rtorrent is very conservative when requesting pieces or chunks from remote peers. A modest increase in the number and frequency will help our torrents get up to speed faster and maintain a consistently faster speed overall.

This modification will have rTorrent request a chunk from non-sharing peer every 60 seconds instead on the default 3 minutes. The default value of "6" means 6 ticks and a rTorrent tick equals 30 seconds. This is way too long. Let's say if more than 2 ticks have gone by (60 seconds) we can assume the peer forgot about our requests or tried to cheat with empty piece messages, so we will ask again. Sadly, rtorrent does not have a built in mechanism to kick peers who do not share at all.

# Increase the rate at which pieces are requested from other peers

edit file:  vi libtorrent-0.12.5/src/protocol/peer_connection_leech.cc
 old line #:154  if (!download_queue()->canceled_empty() && m_downStall >= 6)
 new line #:154  if (!download_queue()->canceled_empty() && m_downStall >= 2)


edit file:  vi libtorrent-0.12.3/src/protocol/peer_connection_leech.cc
 old line #:153  if (!download_queue()->canceled_empty() && m_downStall >= 6)
 new line #:153  if (!download_queue()->canceled_empty() && m_downStall >= 2)


edit file:  vi libtorrent-0.11.9/src/torrent/tracker.cc
 old line #:127  if (m_downStall > 6)
 new line #:127  if (m_downStall > 2)

How can we kick leechers and uncooperative peers who do not send us data ?

Bittorrent clients are inherently self serving. Users want to get the data as fast as possible and they do not always care if they give anything back. These are called "leechers." Think of a remote client who connects to you and only downloads and never gives anything back; like BitThief. This is not only annoying, but also hurts the community as a whole.

Then we have the misconfigured clients who are setup to upload, but at a painfully slow rate like 0.1 KB/sec. These owners might think that if they can upload even a little bit of data the remote side will continue to send them data. These type of clients are called "scammers" as they give as little as they can to scam the remote side for as much bandwidth as possible.

Finally, we have clients which are misconfigured to offer a 1000 upload slots while only having 30 KB/sec upload bandwidth available. Just because you are uploading it does not mean you are helping the community. It is a good idea to dedicate a least 4 KB/sec upload bandwidth per upload slot. Otherwise you are just wasting every ones' time. So, if you have 50 KB/sec of upload bandwidth we suggest only allowing 12 upload slots ( (10+50)/5 ) which is the default amount of upload slots in rTorrent.

What can we do about all the leechers, scammers and abusers ?

Let's setup some ground rules to stop what we will consider abusive client behavior. First, if you do not share with me at least a small percentage of what I send to you, I will not share with you. If I set my ratio at 1/4 then I expect 1 byte of data for every 4 bytes I give to you. In fact, we can go so far as to say we will ban clients who abuse our upload generosity and "snub" them. BTW, to "snub" is to deny sending data to an abusive client while accepting their download to us. It is useful to snub a client so they can get their upload ratio back in line with our rules.

The problem now is knowing that rTorrent does not have a kicking or banning function. What we need is a third party patch!

What does the bad_peer_handling.diff do ?

This is an incredibly powerful set of features you can add to rTorrent. Here is an explanation of the patch (diff) from the author:

Automated handling of leechers and other uncooperative peers.

  original author  :  Josef Drexler
  patch name       :  bad_peer_handling.diff
  supported version:  rTorrent 0.8.5 / libtorrent 0.12.5

Adds the following commands:

 Snub peers (i.e. stop uploading to them) who download far more than they
 upload. They're snubbed when their ratio exceeds the snub_ratio, and unsnubbed
 when they drop below the unsnub_ratio again. For example, a snub_ratio of 10
 means the peer gets snubbed if we send more than ten times the amount that
 we've received from them. Don't set snub_ratio too low, a value of 5-10 seems
 to work best. The first min_transfer bytes is uploaded for "free" without

 Unsnub all snubbed peers, e.g. for use when the download is
 finished and we no longer have anything we want to download anyway.

 Ban peers whose upload is too slow, for instance hacked peers, badly throttled
 connections or ISPs with excessive bandwidth shaping. This clears up the peer
 list and allows connecting to better peers, to prevent staying connected
 forever to peers that never send data.  Always keeps at least the set min_peers
 for the download, and at least as many seeds as min_seeds as well as all peers
 currently sending at a rate of min_rate or above. A peer is too slow if after
 time1 has elapsed, it has sent less than amount1, or amount2 after time2, etc.

 Unban all peers, including those banned manually with shift-B.

Note that peers marked as friends (if you have applied that patch) will never
be snubbed or banned by these commands.

There are also global "snub_leechers" and "ban_slow_peers" commands which take
the same arguments and apply them to all unfinished downloads (except those set
to ignore commands).

Note that the commands usually don't work well for poorly seeded torrents or
those being seeded initially, then unreasonably many peers will be
snubbed/banned. You should set the ignore_commands flag for such downloads, or
avoid using the global commands and instead only apply the download-specific
commands to the particular downloads that need them (e.g.  using d.multicall on
a custom view that only contains appropriate downloads).

The following are added to your .rtorrent.rc

Example: (this seems to work fine for a typical FIOS line)
 schedule = snub_leechers,120,120,"snub_leechers=10,5,1M"
 schedule = ban_slow_peers,120,120,"ban_slow_peers=5,2K,64K,5,128K,10,1M,30"
 system.method.set_key = event.download.finished,unban,"d.unban_peers="
 system.method.set_key = event.download.finished,unsnub,"d.unsnub_peers="

Snub peers after sending 1MB to them if they don't upload at least 1/10th in
return.  Unsnub them when they upload to a ratio of 1/5th, and when the
download finishes.

Ban peers after 5 minutes unless they've uploaded less than 64KB, after 10 min
and less than 128 K or after 30 min and under 1MB upload. Keep at least 5
seeds, and all peers currently uploading at 2KB/s or faster.  Unban peers when
the download finishes.

Building rTorrent from source with the diff

In order to use the kicking and banning feature set we need to apply a patch to the source code. The patch is called a diff. This diff is made by jdrexler and can be found on his site. This is an excellent set of code and is written quite well.

In order to keep from duplicating source code building examples on this page, take a look at the next section called, "Installing rTorrent on OpenBSD with DHT, Encryption and Banning support".

Applying the bad_peer_handling options to the .rtorrent.rc

Once you have built rTorrent with the bad_peer_handling.diff you can add the following to your .rtorrent.rc file. Take a look at the comments to get an explanation of each of the schedule lines.

############ ban peers patch ###################
# Snub peers after sending 1 MB to them if they don't upload at least 1/10th in
# return (100KB). Unsnub them when they upload to a ratio of 1/5th, and when
# the download finishes. Check all peers every 30 seconds.
## d.snub_leechers=snub_ratio,unsnub_ratio,min_transfer
schedule = snub_leechers,30,30,"snub_leechers=10,5,1M"
# Ban peers after 2 minutes if they've uploaded less than 64KB, after 3 min
# with less than 128 K or after 5 min with under 1MB upload. Keep at least 5
# seeds, and all peers currently uploading at 2KB/s or faster. Check all peers
# every 90 seconds.
## d.ban_slow_peers=min_seeds,min_rate,amount1,time1[,amount2,time2[,...]]
schedule = ban_slow_peers,90,90,"ban_slow_peers=5,2K,64K,2,128K,3,1M,5"
## unsnub and unban on completion of torrent
system.method.set_key = event.download.finished,unban,"d.unban_peers="
system.method.set_key = event.download.finished,unsnub,"d.unsnub_peers="
############ ban peers patch ###################

Installing rTorrent on OpenBSD with DHT, Encryption and Banning support

rTorrent is an accomplished client. It fashions a ncurses front end written in C. This is very CPU efficient and can be used in conjunction with "screen" or "tmux" when you want to access the program remotely. Building the client with distributed hash table (DHT) support allows you to be a backup tracker when all other trackers are down or can not deliver enough peers, as well as enabling tracker-less torrents. This is useful when trackers are unavailable or hopelessly slow. Encryption support is helpful when your ISP is traffic shaping or you wish to keep your traffic out of the public eye.

We are going to build rTorrent from source on the latest stable release of OpenBSD. We will use the version of OpenSSL that comes with OpenBSD since we expect this to be a securely audited revision. These steps are easy and quite straight forward. On a AMD64 2GHz it takes about 10 minutes to build everything from source.

Download and untar: First, you need to download rTorrent and libtorrent from libtorrent.rakshasa.no. When they finish downloading untar the tarballs.

## Download
wget http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/downloads/rtorrent-0.8.5.tar.gz
wget http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/downloads/libtorrent-0.12.5.tar.gz

## Untar
tar zxvf rtorrent-0.8.5.tar.gz
tar zxvf libtorrent-0.12.5.tar.gz

Install libsigc++ and curl: rTorrent will need the libraries from libsigc++ (v2.0 or above) and the program curl. Use the OpenBSD package manager, "pkg_add" to install both of these packages from the on-line repository.

pkg_add -i curl
pkg_add -i libsigc++

Set the OPENSSL environment: In order for libtorrent to build with OpenSSL support it needs to know where OpenBSD has put its libraries. Use the following to setup your OpenSSL environment. Note: if you get the error, "rtorrent:/usr/lib/libssl.so.15.1: rtorrent : WARNING: symbol(ssl2_ciphers) size mismatch, relink your program" you may have a problem with your ssl libs. This error was shown after we installed OpenSSL v1.0.0 in error and over wrote the built in libs. If you use the version of OpenSSL that comes with OpenBSD like this example does then you will not have a problem.

## for a bash or ksh shell
export OPENSSL_CFLAGS=-I/usr/include
export OPENSSL_LIBS=-lcrypto 

OPTION 1: Edit the source code with any mods or hacks from the beginning of this page: Now is the time to edit the source code if you choose. You can change the upload ratio reported to the tracker or change the peer name reported to other clients. We have many options listed above.

OPTION 2: Add automated handling of leechers and other uncooperative peers: The patch called, bad_peer_handling.diff will allow us to add rule to kick and ban leechers and un-cooperative remote clients. We _highly_ recommend it.

## Download the patch
wget http://ovh.ttdpatch.net/~jdrexler/rt/experimental/bad_peer_handling.diff

## The patch is looking for directories called rtorrent and libtorrent.
## We can make symlinks to our untar'd copies of the directories.
ln -s rtorrent-0.8.5 rtorrent 
ln -s libtorrent-0.12.5 libtorrent

## Apply the patch
patch -p0 < bad_peer_handling.diff

## If the patch is successful you should see a bunch of "chunk succeeded" messages.

Build libtorrent: Change to the libtorrent source code directory and execute the following line to build the libtorrent source:

cd libtorrent-0.12.5
./configure && make && make install

Build rtorrent: Change to the rtorrent source code directory and execute the following line to build the rtorrent source:

cd rtorrent-0.8.5
./configure && make && make install

All done. Congratulations. You now have a rTorrent client built against OpenBSD's version of OpenSSL. You can now talk to other clients with an encrypted handshake and transfer data using RC4 encryption. The newest version of rTorrent also has distributed hash table (DHT) support allowing you to use tracker-less torrents or to share a list of good peers with other DHT clients. Take a look at the following sections for the .rtorrent.rc configuration file and tips on making rTorrent easier to use from a remote location using "screen" or "tmux".

Increasing rtorrent's ease of use

Screen or Tmux - Virtual terminal

We find the best way to use rtorrent and access it remotely though ssh is to use "screen" "or "tmux". These will allow you to start a virtual terminal and bring it up in a xterm or through a remote ssh connection. You can then start rtorrent while inside of the screen session.

Screen's advantages come in the fact that it is not tied to a terminal. You can detach the session and it will continue to run. If you loose your connection, screen will auto-detach and continue to run the program. Screen not only increases the usability to rtorrent, but also acts like a safety net if you loose connectivity.

Start screen by typing "screen" and it will run in the current terminal. Now, execute rtorrent in screen's virtual terminal. To detach the screen session type "Ctrl-a" and then "d". That is, hold down "control" and the letter "a" together and then release Ctrl-a and press the letter "d". To re-attach the screen session type "screen -x".

The advantage of "screen -x" is you can have multiple views of the same screen session and all of them will update at the same time. This is useful if you already have an open rtorrent screen session on the local machine and also want to see the same virtual terminal through a ssh session. Screen has many more options so check in the man pages if you want to do more.

Screen in review
  start screen: screen
  detach screen: Ctrl-a d
  re-attach screen : screen -x

Tmux in review
  start screen: tmux
  detach screen: Ctrl-b d
  re-attach screen : tmux -x

Allow more open files

Using the following alias on OpenBSD will allow rtorrent to open more file descriptors (-n) and max user processes (-u) than the default shell normally allows. This allows you to handle more clients and larger sets of files if you need to. You can see what limits your shell is currently running with by typing "ulimit -a".

alias rt_start='ulimit -n 512;ulimit -u 128;rtorrent'

Limit connections per client (3 connections per 300 seconds per ip)

The current generation of bittorrent clients like BitTornado, uTorrent, and BitComet are very aggressive. They will try to connect to your system many times per second to take up as many slots as possible. They were designed with one purpose, to try to get data as fast a possible for their owner. This naturally means they do not care how much load they put on your connection, machine or torrent client.

To combat this we recommend limiting remote clients to a total of 3 connections per 300 seconds per ip address in your firewall. This may sound restrictive, but remember, there are many clients our there and less than half actually want to share data with you. Most want to only download. We are looking for those clients dedicated enough to connect and continuously share data with us. otherwise we disconnect them and they can wait around 300 seconds to connect again.

This is pf STO (stateful tracking options) we used during testing:

rTorrentSTO ="(max 250, source-track rule, max-src-conn 1, max-src-nodes 250, max-src-conn-rate 3/300)"

You can limit clients to 3 connections per 300 seconds with either Pf on OpenBSD/FreeBSD or in iptables on Linux. If you need more examples of PF rules or an explanation of the following anchor, check out the moneyslow.com PF config page.

This is the full PF anchor we used during testing:

## rTorrent anchor :: https://moneyslow.com/html/webconf
################ Macros ###################################
### Interfaces ###

### Ports ###

### States & Queues ###
 SynState="flags S/SAFR synproxy state"

### Stateful Tracking Options ###
 BitTorSTO ="(max 250, source-track rule, max-src-states 1, max-src-nodes 250, max-src-conn-rate 3/300)"

################ Translation and Filtering ###############################

### $ExtIf inbound
 pass in log on $ExtIf inet proto tcp from !($ExtIf) to ($ExtIf) port $BitTor $SynState $BitTorSTO queue bittor rdr-to lo0 label "bittor"

####### EOF #######

In testing we did _not_ experience a drop in download or upload speeds over the long term with these settings. The torrent did take about 10 minutes longer to get to full speed once started, but our client was more responsive to connecting clients due to the lower load and was able to start sharing with them more quickly. The aggressive clients will still hit the firewall over and over again even if they can not connect. For example, a typical client tried to connect to our testing machine an average of 24 times a minute and aggressive clients attempted 143 connections per minute. We found that all remote clients would return no matter if we blocked them or not as long as they were able to connect successfully once in a while.

Want to use Wake on LAN (WOL)? Take a look at our Wake On LAN (WOL) "How to". You can tell a remote system that is soft-off to boot from any other system on the network.

The .rtorrent.rc configuration file

This is the .rtorrent.rc config file we used for testing if you need it. It is placed in the home directory of the user that runs rTorrent. These are the basics and you are welcome to check out the man page for the specifics. The following will at least allow you to test out the above exercises. The values in the directives hash_interval, hash_max_tries and hash_max_tries are set to make OpenBSD clients a bit faster, but are not necessary if check_hash is set to "no". You may not need these values set for other OS's.

###  moneyslow.com .rtorrent.rc  BEGIN
## listen on interface
 bind =
## working directory
 directory = /rtorrent/
## do not check torrent when finished
 check_hash = no
## OpenBSD check_hash speedup
# hash_read_ahead = 8
# hash_interval = 10
# hash_max_tries = 2
## max amount of torrent files to keep in memory (reduces hard drive load)
 max_open_files = 256
## max amount of clients that we will upload to. It is advisable to upload
## no less than 2KB/s per client. If we allow 100KB/sec max upload speed
## then we should allow no more then 50 upload slots per torrent.
 max_peers = 50
## max total upload rate in KB (kilobytes) to remote clients
 upload_rate = 100
## max uploads slots per completed torrent open to clients
 max_peers_seed = 20
## max upload slots total for all torrents open to clients
 max_uploads = 100
## max connections we will make to others (0=listen only)
 min_peers = 20
## max connections we will make to others for completed torrents
 min_peers_seed = 20
## listen on the single port (port 9999 TCP)
 port_range = 9999-9999
## DHT - distributed hash table (port 9999 UDP) 
# dht = auto
# dht_port = 9999
## Encryption - require incoming encrypted handshake and require encrypted
## transmission after the initial encrypted handshake. Unencrypted clients
## will be refused. BTW, most modern clients support encryption.
# encryption = require, require_RC4
####### Use for rTorrent 0.8.4 and BEFORE only #######
## upload at least 1% of the torrent in KB and close the torrent, check every 60 seconds
# schedule = ratio,60,60,stop_on_ratio=1,0,1
####### Use for rTorrent 0.8.4 and BEFORE only #######
####### Use for rTorrent 0.8.4 and AFTER only #######
## upload at least 1% of the torrent in KB and close the torrent. Check when the torrent finishes.
# ratio.enable=
# ratio.min.set=1
# ratio.max.set=1
# ratio.upload.set=0M
####### Use for rTorrent 0.8.4 and AFTER only #######
## watch for new .torrent files every 10 seconds in /rtorrent/.watch/
 schedule = watch_directory,10,10,load_start=/rtorrent/.watch/*.torrent
## keep temp files in /rtorrent/.session/
 session = /rtorrent/.session/
## save status to session file on torrent completion
 session_on_completion = yes
## type of service (default=throughput)
## udp trackers are not always firewall friendly
 use_udp_trackers = no
############ bad_peer_handling.diff patch ###################
# Snub peers after sending 1 MB to them if they don't upload at least 1/10th in
# return (100KB). Unsnub them when they upload to a ratio of 1/5th, and when
# the download finishes. Check all peers every 30 seconds.
## d.snub_leechers=snub_ratio,unsnub_ratio,min_transfer
#schedule = snub_leechers,30,30,"snub_leechers=10,5,1M"
# Ban peers after 2 minutes if they've uploaded less than 64KB, after 3 min
# with less than 128 K or after 5 min with under 1MB upload. Keep at least 5
# seeds, and all peers currently uploading at 2KB/s or faster. Check all peers
# every 120 seconds.
## d.ban_slow_peers=min_seeds,min_rate,amount1,time1[,amount2,time2[,...]]
#schedule = ban_slow_peers,120,120,"ban_slow_peers=5,2K,64K,2,128K,3,1M,5"
## unsnub and unban on completion of torrent
# system.method.set_key = event.download.finished,unban,"d.unban_peers="
# system.method.set_key = event.download.finished,unsnub,"d.unsnub_peers="
############ bad_peer_handling.diff patch ###################
###  moneyslow.com .rtorrent.rc  END


Should I limit upload bandwidth and connection slots for my torrents?

A BitTorrent client normally uses multiple TCP connections and this gives it an unfair advantage when competing with other services for bandwidth, which exaggerates the effect of BitTorrent filling the upload pipe. The reason is because TCP distributes the available bandwidth evenly across all connections, and the more connections one application uses, the larger share of the bandwidth it gets.

The traditional solution to this problem is to cap the upload rate of the BitTorrent client to 80% of the up-link capacity. 80% leaves some head room for interactive traffic like web browsing and checking mail for example.

As for remote peers connecting you your client, it is highly advisable to limit everyone to one TCP connection per ip remote address. This keeps the few aggressive peers from taking up all of your available bandwidth and starving the remaining peers.

By following these simple rules the advantages of uTorrent's uTP protocol, which is transport protocol layered on top of UDP, are mostly negated. You can continue to use TCP with all of its security advantages and bandwidth contention algorithms in a fair sharing model.

What does the error "Storage error: [File chunk write error: Cannot allocate memory.]" mean ? This means rTorrent has exceeded the "Max memory usage" rTorrent was allocated. While rTorrent is running go to the "info" screen inside the torrent throwing the errors. Look for "Memory usage", which is how much memory the program is using right now, and "Max memory usage", which is the max memory rTorrent can use. If Memory usage exceeds the Max then this error is shown. Thankfully, this error does not seem to corrupt the torrent, but it will severely slow your download speeds as it drops data chunks when rTorrent exceeds its memory limit.

To fix this error, find out how much memory the user running rTorrent is allowed to allocate by executing, "ulimit -m". Lets say the answer is 1024000 or 1Gig. Lets allow rTorrent to allocate as much as 75% of 1 gigabyte or 768 megabytes if it needs to. Just add the directive,

max_memory_usage = 805306368
which is "768 * 1024 * 1024 = 805306368" to your .rtorrent.rc file.

Lastly, if you already have increased the max_memory_usage directive as much as you can and you still get the error you have two options. (1) put more ram into your machine or (2) decrease the amount of clients you can upload (seed) to. On average rTorrent will use 2 megabytes of ram per upload slot. 50 upload slots will need about 50*2=100 megabytes of memory just for chunk caching.

What does the error "Storage error: [File chunk write error: No such file or directory.]" or "Storage error: [File chunk write error: Success.]" mean ? Did you delete a file in the torrents directory, did a torrent file get corrupted or did you change the version of rtorrent while keeping the old torrent files around? Stop the download, highlight the torrent throwing the error and press Ctrl-E in the torrent list to force rtorrent to create any missing files again. This only work 20% of the time. If this does not work then you can consider the torrent file corrupt and you will have to delete all of the torrent files that throw this error and go get them again. This is the only action that has worked every time.

Have you experienced machine LOCKUP's with rTorrent and OpenBSD ?No, we have not. People on the mailing list have experienced lockups of the OpenBSD box while using rTorrent, but we have never experienced this. We build rTorrent with the instructions above. We accept ssl handshakes and encrypted connections with other clients. We also use the ulimit options specified above. If you do have issues try using the single CPU kernel instead of the multi processor one. Finally, the issue might be hardware based like RAM, motherboard flakiness, power supply voltage issues or hard drive time outs. rTorrent activity can put more load on the machine and this might be just enough activity to weed out problematic hardware.

How can I "sanitize" the file names of the downloaded files?Many times the files you download in a torrent are named oddly by the person seeding the torrent. They may have spaces or capitalization or parenthesis which are not easy to work with on a UNIX system. Run the following script we call sanitize_filenames.sh to "sanitize" the file names. It will change all files in the current directory to lower case, all spaces will turn to underline "_", parenthesis into underline "_" and square brackets into underline "_".

### moneyslow.com  sanitize_filenames.sh
for a in *; do
     file=$(echo $a | tr A-Z a-z | tr ' ' _ | tr '(' _ | tr ')' _ | tr ',' _  | tr '[' _ | tr \' _ | tr ']' _ )
     [ ! -f $file ] && mv "$a" $file

Can you tell me how inflate the upload ratio in Deluge? An anonymous source sent the following code. This example will allow one to report nine times the true upload amount to trackers (upped*9;). Edit the file "http_tracker_connection.cpp" and edit the code starting with line 373. Just copy/paste the replacement code, build source and enjoy. Remember: This code is here to show the lack of proper security and verification of the BitTorrent protocol in communication between client and tracker servers. It is for research purposes only.

File: .../deluge-torrent-0.5.8/libtorrent/src/http_tracker_connection.cpp (Line #373)
Original Code:
        if (!url_has_argument(request, "uploaded"))

                                m_send_buffer += "uploaded=";
                                m_send_buffer += boost::lexical_cast(req.uploaded);
                                m_send_buffer += '&';
Modified Code:
                if (!url_has_argument(request, "uploaded"))
                                m_send_buffer += "uploaded=";
                                signed long int upped = req.uploaded;
                                signed long int reportup = upped*9;
                                m_send_buffer += boost::lexical_cast(reportup);
                                m_send_buffer += '&';