home January 01, 2017

Fvwm2 config

fvwm2 "blue theme" ( .fvwm2rc )

Many people have asked for this .fvwm2rc config file. This page is here to make it easier for people to find. To use this config file just cut/paste into your .fvwm2rc file.

What is Fvwm?

The F Virtual Window Manager (The F currently has no official meaning) is a virtual window manager for the X Window system. Originally a twm derivative, FVWM has evolved into a powerful and highly configurable environment for UNIX systems.

How does Fvwm2 look with this config file?

This config uses a primarily blue color scheme. Dark blue background with blue window borders. There are four virtual desktops numbered with roman numerals one the pager at the bottom right of the screen. The floating menu for opening programs is on the left mouse button while kill options are on the right mouse button. The middle mouse button is setup to show open program listings. It is a minimalist setup and runs extremely fast on even the slowest systems.

To use this config file simple cut/paste it into your home directory under the name ".fvwm2rc" and start X windows with the fvwm window manager.

###  moneyslow.com .fvwm2rc   BEGIN
# System configuration file for Fvwm2 ( .fwm2rc )

# Paths
IconPath        /usr/X11R6/include/X11/bitmaps/:$HOME/bitmaps
PixmapPath      /usr/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps/:$HOME/xpms:$HOME/pixmaps
ModulePath      $FVWM_MODULEDIR:$HOME/fvwm-modules

# 'rubber-band' window-borders when moving and resizing windows.
XORvalue 208

# Make our windows snap-up against other windows and make icons snap
# up against other icons
SnapAttraction 20 SameType

# Font configuration
WindowFont      -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
IconFont        -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

# HighlightColor
HilightColor  linen SteelBlue4

# BorderStyle
BorderStyle Active Solid SteelBlue4 -- NoInset HiddenHandles
BorderStyle Inactive Solid #11236b -- NoInset HiddenHandles

# TitleStyle
TitleStyle ActiveUp Solid SteelBlue4 -- flat
TitleStyle ActiveDown Solid SteelBlue4 -- flat
TitleStyle Inactive Solid #11236b -- flat

# The Second Variation of TitleStyle:
TitleStyle LeftJustified height 18

# Button Styles
ButtonStyle All -- UseTitleStyle flat
ButtonStyle 1 14 20x20@1 20x70@1 70x70@0 70x20@0 20x20@1 60x60@0 60x50@0 60x60@0 50x60@0 60x60@0 60x80@0 80x80@0 80x60@0 60x60@0
ButtonStyle 2 16 60x40@1 60x80@0 15x80@0 15x40@1 60x40@1 40x40@1 40x25@1 75x25@1 75x60@0 60x60@0 75x60@0 75x40@0 85x40@0 85x15@0 60x15@1 60x25@1 
ButtonStyle 4 12 50x10@1 25x35@1 40x35@1 40x60@1 25x60@1 50x85@1 75x60@0 60x60@0 60x35@0 75x35@0 50x10@0 50x10@1 
ButtonStyle 6 12 10x50@1 35x25@1 35x40@1 65x40@1 65x25@1 90x50@1 65x75@0 65x60@0 35x60@0 35x75@0 10x50@0 10x50@1
ButtonStyle 8 17 20x20@1 30x20@1 50x40@1 70x20@1 80x20@1 80x30@0 60x50@0 80x70@1 80x80@0 70x80@0 50x60@0 30x80@0 20x80@0 20x70@0 40x50@1 20x30@0 20x20@1

# MenuStyle 
MenuStyle * background #455561, ActiveFore #ccfcf0, ForeGround black
MenuStyle * popupoffset 0 100
MenuStyle * MenuFace HGradient 64 1 #758591 100 #102030, Animation

# Set up some desktop options
DesktopSize     1x1

# EdgeResistance scrolling moving
EdgeResistance  750 75

# EdgeScroll horizontal vertical
EdgeScroll      100 100

# OpaqueMoveSize percentage
OpaqueMoveSize 1

# Style related options
Style "*" ForeColor grey40
Style "*" BackColor #11236b
Style "*" SmartPlacement, CleverPlacement
Style "*" StickyIcon
#Style "*" IconBox       5 -50 -134 -5
Style "*" IconBox       -5 -290 -134 -5
Style "*" BorderWidth 5, HandleWidth 5
Style "*" NoPPosition
Style "*" NakedTransient
Style "*" SloppyFocus, MouseFocusClickRaises
Style "*" ResizeOutline

# Some Fvwm-Related Styles
Style "Fvwm*"   NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip
Style "FvwmWinList"     NoTitle
Style "FvwmPager"       StaysOnTop, BorderWidth 0

# Custom styles 
style "xterm"   BorderWidth 6, Handlewidth 6
Style "gkrellm" BorderWidth 0,NoTitle,NoHandles
Style "xmms"    BorderWidth 0,NoTitle,NoHandles
Style "firefox" CenterPlacement
Style "*Dialog_popup" WindowListSkip

# Resources for Modules
*FvwmPagerBack #150525
*FvwmPagerFore #484058
*FvwmPagerFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmPagerHilight #908090
*FvwmPagerDeskTopScale 64
*FvwmPagerGeometry -0-0
*FvwmPagerLabel 0 Pager
*FvwmPagerSmallFont 5x8
*FvwmPagerColumns 1
*FvwmPagerLabel 0 I
*FvwmPagerLabel 1 II
*FvwmPagerLabel 2 III
*FvwmPagerLabel 3 IV
*FvwmPagerBalloons Pager
*FvwmPagerBalloonfore white

# Function definitions
AddToFunc "Move-or-Raise" "M" Move
+              "M" Raise
+              "C" Raise
+              "D" WindowShade

AddToFunc "Move-or-Iconify" "M" Move
+              "D" Iconify
+              "C" RaiseLower

AddToFunc "Resize-or-Raise" "M" Resize
+              "M" Raise
+              "C" Raise
+              "D" RaiseLower

AddToFunc "InitFunction" "Immediate" Module FvwmPager 0 3
+              "Immediate" Module FvwmAudio
+              "Immediate" Exec xsetroot -solid \#050530
+              "Immediate" Exec xscreensaver &
+              "Immediate" Desk 0 0

AddToFunc "Maximize_func" "M" Maximize 0 100
+              "C" Maximize 0 80
+              "D" Maximize 100 100

# Key bindings
Key F9 A M Desk 0 0
Key F10 A M Desk 0 1
Key F11 A M Desk 0 2
Key F12 A M Desk 0 3

# Mouse bindings
#     Button    Context Modifi  Function
Mouse 1         R       A       Menu "MainMenu" Nop
Mouse 3         R       A       Menu "Window-ops-Popup" Nop
Mouse 2         R       A       WindowList
Mouse 4         R       A       Menu Nop
Mouse 5         R       A       Menu Nop
Mouse 1         1       N       Iconify
Mouse 1         I       N       Function "Move-or-Iconify"
Mouse 1         2       N       Maximize
Mouse 1         4       N       Maximize 0 100
Mouse 1         6       N       Maximize 100 0
Mouse 1         8       N       Delete
Mouse 1         SF      N       Function "Resize-or-Raise"
Mouse 1         T       N       Function "Move-or-Raise"

# Menu Definitions
AddToMenu "Window-ops-Popup" "Move" Function Move-or-Raise
+              "(Un)Stick" Stick
+              "Identify" Module FvwmIdent
+              "" Nop
+              "Destroy" Destroy
+              "Close" Close

AddToMenu "MainMenu"
+              "" Nop
+              "xterm" Exec xset r rate 175 60;xterm -tn xterm -r +sb -j -s -sl 1000 -geometry 128x89 -fg white -bg black &
+              "" Nop
+              "firefox" Exec /disk01/firefox/firefox &
+              "snownews" Exec xterm -tn xterm -r +sb -j -s -sl 5000 -geometry 128x44+0+0 -fg white -bg black -e /usr/local/bin/snownews --update &
+              "gkrellm" Exec gkrellm &
+              "xmms" Exec xmms &
+              "OOo" Exec /opt/openoffice.org2.0/program/soffice &
+              "" Nop
+              "XLock" Exec xscreensaver-command -lock
+              "Quit X" Popup Quit-Verify
+              "" Nop

AddToMenu "Quit-Verify"
+              "Yes, Quit X" Quit

###  moneyslow.com .fvwm2rc  END


How can I configure xorg.conf config on OpenBSD ?

If you need to run XWindow (Xorg) from the command line on OpenBSD here is the idea. This should be applicable for every system running Xorg as the X server like Linux, FreeBSD, Opensolaris, etc. Login as root and run command below:

# X -configure
 [ ...some output...]
 Xorg detected your mouse at device /dev/wsmouse. 
 Please check your config if the mouse is still not operational, 
 as by default Xorg tries to autodetect the protocol.
 Your xorg.conf file is /root/xorg.conf.new. 
 To test the server, run 'X -config /root/xorg.conf.new'
# X -config /root/xorg.conf.new

If there are no errors and you can see the default xwindow of OpenBSD, the Xorg is successfully configured. To use this config as default copy the /root/xorg.conf.new to /etc/X11/xorg.conf . Now you can type "startx" via command line to start X window. If you are paranoid, try using "exec startx" instead. This will start X like normal and when you exit X the system will log you out of the account. Setting up an alias in .profile is probably easier, "alias sx='exec startx' "