Blogs & Articles

  • How to Mount Disks and Create Fstab Entries in Linux

    How to Mount Disks and Create Fstab Entries in Linux

    Here, in this article, I will talk about how to mount disks and create fstab entries in Linux. We will explore step-by-step instructions to mount a disk using its UUID, create a mount point, and then add a corresponding entry in the /etc/fstab file for automounting. Additionally, we will delve into the concepts of relatime,…

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  • How to Use Vim/Neovim

    How to Use Vim/Neovim

    Here, I will talk about vim/neovim keys in normal, insert and visual modes. I will also give you some examples.

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  • How to Configure Colorscheme in Vim/Neovim

    How to Configure Colorscheme in Vim/Neovim

    I will talk how to install a colorscheme theme in Vim/Neovim, then how to activate it and put some modifications to these colorscheme – changing the color and font weight of cursorline, wrong spelling, diagnostics and completion, markdown headings.

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