OpenStack ships with a number of system services which are summarized below:
Barbican - Provides secure storage, provisioning and management of secret data
Ceilometer - Data collection service that provides teh ability to normalise and transform data across all openstack components
Cinder - Block storage as a service
CloudKitty - Rating as a service project aimed at translating Ceilometer metrics to prices.
Congress - Define the policy and enforce across a cluster as things change.
Designate - DNS service for automating DNS updates to Bind / PowerDNS.
Glance - Provides a way to upload and discover data assets (e.g., vm images)
Heat - Orchestrated cloud applications using a template format thorough a REST API
Horizon - Dashboard
Ironic - provision physicla hardware
Keystone - Provides API client authentication and service discovery
Magnum - Container orchestration
Murano - Application cataloging
Neutron - Provides network connectivity as a service between interface devices
Nova - Compute service
Sahara - Service to provision data processing frameworks (hadoop)
Searchlight - Indexing and search capabilities built on top of elasticsearch and lucene
Senlin - Clustering solution for cloud resources
Swift - Highly available and distributed object/blog store
Tacker - Openstack service for VNF (Virtual network functions) orchestration
Trove - Database as a service
Watcher - Provides a resource optimization service
Zaqar - Cloud messaging and noticication service for web and mobile developers